Thursday 20 September 2012

A very sad time

Normally I keep my blog for wood turning and related subjects.

However having previously been a serving Police officer, the recent murders of PC Fiona Bone aged 32 and PC Nicola Hughes 23 of Greater Manchester Police is a dark and very sad time.

PC Bone and PC Hughes were murdered attending a routine call of a burglary in Manchester, unarmed and died serving their community, in an act that none can comprehend.

The cameraderie felt by people that serve in such a close unit such as the Police cannot be explained, it remains part of your core long after the uniform is taken off, I don't think it ever goes away.

A sad time for all but no more so than for the parents, children, family, friends and colleagues of these brave souls.

My thoughts are with them all in this terrible time..

Their sacrifice will ever be forgotten.


Unknown said...

I to have been upset by this event. I have family and friends badly hurt while in the force, that day never leaves them or there family.

Mark said...

Hi Philip

It is not an easy job, as many are not. This situation as with that of wars etc, brings me to reflect deeply about how often the human race portrays it as being advanced and civilized. In reality this is just a delusion.

A lot goes on that people do not know about and it is terrible crimes like this one that get reported.

Let us hope that the world finds somehow, a more peaceful way of existence. But some how I do not think it will.

Take care
